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year: 2008
isbn: 9789042921535
pages: XXX-624 p.
Paul Ricoeur. Bibliographie primaire et secondaire. Primary and Secondary Bibliography 1935-2008
The philosophical activity and publications of Paul Ricoeur cover a period of seventy years. As a student at the Sorbonne in 1935, he published the first product of his pen, "L'appel de l'action. Réflexions d'un étudiant protestant". His last article, "Devenir capable, être reconnu", was written a few months before his death on 20th May 2005, and appeared later in Esprit. Between those two titles - in which "action and reflection" and "the capable man and recognition" represent key notions of his philosophical itinerary - Ricoeur published some thirthy books. Encouraged by friends and colleagues I present here a revised version of my bibliography, updated and as complete as possible.