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price: 70 euro
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  • print format
year: 2017
isbn: 9789042935426
pages: X-250 p.
Multiple Teachers in Biblical Texts

On the one hand there is a hot discussion on learning nowadays. On the other hand, in theological research, the interest in initiation and mystagogy as an ongoing process of learning, has been studied for the past decades: the initiated one is taught and he/she is therefore part of a teacher-disciple-process. This evokes the question whether relations and communication, especially between teacher and pupil, can be found in the Bible as well. Either implicitly or explicitly, the roles of teacher and disciple are a part of biblical traditions, although often neglected in biblical exegesis. This volume explores the roles of teacher and disciple from a textual perspective. Various biblical texts from the Torah, the Psalms, the Prophets, the Wisdom Literature, the Gospels, and the Letters as well as the Rabbinic Literature are dealt with. A reflection on religious teachers from the perspective of biblical teaching and discipleship concludes this volume.