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Entrance of the Leuven Collegium Trilingue. See J. Papy (ed.), The Leuven Collegium Trilingue 1517-1797
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Books in the Maurits Sabbe Library, KU Leuven. See W. François, L. Watteeuw & L. Kenis (eds), Manuscripts & Precious Books in the Maurits Sabbe Library, KU Leuven
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Antonine Nymphaeum (Upper Agora at Sagalassos, Turkey) © Bruno Vandermeulen & Danny Veys. See B. Vandermeulen & D. Veys, (In)site Sagalassos
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Tomb models from the tomb of Henu at Dayr al-Barsha, Egypt © Dayr al-Barsha Project, KU Leuven. See M. De Meyer & K. Cortebeeck (eds), Djehoetihotep. 100 jaar opgravingen in Egypte. Djehoutihotep. 100 ans de fouilles en Égypte
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Meynet R.
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Frey J.
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Le Roux P.
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Collection Latomus

Vleeming S.P.
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Amon J., Carruth S., Derrenbacker Jr. R.A., Kelsey N., Smith D.A.
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Steenvoorde R.
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Navet-Grémillet M.-C.
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