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price: 75 euro
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year: 1993
isbn: 9780900416637
pages: XVIII-177 p. + 16 fig. + 50 pl.
Stone Vessels, Pottery and Sealings from the Tomb of Tut'ankhamun
Edited by John Baines

This book is a complete publication by recognized experts of four important and closely related groups of material from the tomb of Tut'ankhamun. Ali el-Khouli presents the plain vases manufactured in a variety of stones. These were among the finest containers in the king's furnishings and form the best preserved set from their period. Rotislav Holthoer catalogues the pottery, much of which contained wine from a wide range of vintages that accompanied the king to the next world. Colin A. Hope gives a detailed study of the jar sealings, which are technologically significant, as well as containing important economic and administrative information, principally about wine production. Olaf E. Kaper catalogues and discusses the door sealings removed in the clearance of the tomb, as well as the object seals, which are the most extensive series from a single tomb. He successfully elucidates the renowned 'Necropolis Seal' showing a recumbent jackal and a series of bound captives.