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year: 2008
isbn: 9780900416873
pages: XIV-470 p.
Crowns in Egyptian Funerary Literature
Royalty, Rebirth, and Destruction
This book presents a new approach to analysing the image of ancient
Egyptian kings and gods. The author studies textual evidence rather than
the often stereotyped iconography, focusing on mentions of the king's
White and Red Crowns and demonstrating that they possess a wide-ranging
symbolism that transcends the terrestrial sphere to encompass the divine
and the cosmos, death and rebirth.
In funerary texts of the
Old and Middle Kingdoms (ca. 2300-1700 BCE), crowns play a part in the
deceased king's ascent to the sky and transfiguration, enabling him to
assume the form and powers of a celestial god. Crowns express such
attributes as the legitimate rule of gods or of the deceased, as well as
radiance; they are also metaphors for cosmic events. Personified as
goddesses, they are the deceased's mothers and nurses. These symbolic
functions are integrated into richly metaphorical texts that combine the
explicit with the allusive and the concrete with the evanescent.
book discusses occurrences of the White, Red, and Double Crowns in the
Pyramid and Coffin Texts, as well as other selected examples. A major
section reinterprets the famous "Cannibal Spell" as a description of
sunrise that fits seamlessly with the themes of other texts.
study will be of great interest not just to Egyptologists but also for the
parallels it offers for styles of royal and divine symbolism that are
found in many civilizations.