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price: 245 euro
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year: 2015
isbn: 9783727817861
pages: XXVIII-974 p.
Critique textuelle de l'Ancien Testament. Tome 5
Job, Proverbes, Qohélet et Cantique des Cantiques

This volume addresses the main problems that the traditional Hebrew text of the wisdom books (Job, Proverbs, Qohelet, Song of Songs) poses for translators, problems that have confronted translators of the most influential English, French and German editions of the Bible over the past half-century. It presents and develops the results of a ten-year effort (1969-79) conducted by an international and interdenominational committee of specialists in Old Testament textual criticism. This volume is the last in a five-volume series. The first four covered the historical and prophetic books as well as the Psalms.