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price: 90 euro
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year: 2003
isbn: 9789042913882
pages: XIII-923 p.
Theology and Conversation
Towards a Relational Theology
This collection of articles presents the main contributions to the third LEST (Louvain Encounters in Systematic Theology) conference, held at the K.U.Leuven's Faculty of Theology, November 2001. Its theme, «Theology and Conversation: Towards a Relational Theology», continues the explorations in contemporary theology as set out in the 1997 LEST I conference on «The Myriad Christ» (BETL 152) and in the 1999 LEST II conference on «Sacramental Presence in Postmodern Context» (BETL 160). In LEST III also, the plurality and diversity of theological approaches play a major role and the question is raised whether the contemporary theological endeavour in a global world contains in itself the tools to respectfully and constructively approach this diversity. The ideas of relation and conversation, as found in the theologies of the Trinity and of creation, as presupposed in ecclesial praxis, and as articulated in reflections that take their bearings from spiritual experience, provide a powerful means for renewed theological reflection capable of confronting plurality and diversity.