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price: 85 euro
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year: 2009
isbn: 9789042921719
pages: XXVIII-604 p.
Sitting Beside Lepsius
Studies in Honour of Jaromir Malek at the Griffith Institute
This volume presents contributions from thirty colleagues in honour of Jaromir Malek, for his inspirational role, both in Egyptology more widely, and in the direction of the Topographical Bibliography section of the Griffith Institute, at the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford. The papers reflect the encyclopaedic variety of his interests and research. Several focus on the primary evidence for the past, from Old Kingdom to Late Period sculpture, and from the pyramids to the cat in ancient Egypt. Among the works preserved in museum collections or unearthed in recent excavation, some items are published for the first time, while other papers bring out the wider significance of specific monuments or monument-types. The remaining authors consider an international spectrum of written and pictorial archives, material which Jaromir Malek, more than any of us, has made accessible and taught us to value as primary evidence in a particular form.