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price: 94 euro
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year: 2017
isbn: 9789042933934
pages: IV-515 p.
Studies in Later Medieval Intellectual History in Honor of William J. Courtenay

For more than half a century, William J. Courtenay has been opening up new avenues in the exploration of later-medieval intellectual and university history. He has also trained several generations of scholars who are themselves active researchers, and some of his students have had students of their own. The present volume collects thirteen contributions authored by Courtenay's students and "grand-students". From early thirteenth-century manuscripts to fourteenth-century atomism and the eternity of the world; from the theology of the resurrection to that of the incarnation; from Paris to Oxford and Regensburg, the studies and the critical editions of texts gathered here are eloquent witness to the range of William J. Courtenay's influence in medieval studies.