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price: 40 euro
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year: 2012
isbn: 9789062583331
pages: VIII-276 p.
The Ottoman Empire and the Dutch Republic
A History of the Earliest Diplomatic Relations, 1610-1630 (revised edition)

This eminently readable book is the first extensive monograph dealing with the early history of the diplomatic relations between the Ottoman Empire and the Netherlands based on Western as well as Turkish sources and secondary literature. Its aim is to present a balanced bilateral account of both the Turkish and the Dutch viewpoint.
The statesmanship of the Ottoman admiral and grand vizier Khalil Pasha, who took the diplomatic initiative in 1610 is studied in detail as is the diplomatic activity of Cornelis Haga, the first Dutch ambassador to the Porte.
Their successful negotiations led to the grant of capitulations by the Sultan Ahmed I in 1612. This document formed the basis of 400 years of political and economic relations of the Netherlands with Turkey. An edition of the text and an integral translation are also given.